Camarillo and Oxnard Airport Authorities
Camarillo Airport Authority
The Airport Authority advises the Camarillo City Council and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors on policy matters relating to Camarillo Airport operations and development, and policy matters regarding land use matters within the “Camarillo Airport Zone” as defined in the Joint Powers Agreement.
Camarillo Airport Authority Members
- Councilmember Tony Trembley, Chair - City of Camarillo Representative
- Scott Barer, Vice Chair - Public Member
- Supervisor Kelly Long - Board of Supervisors (District 3)
- Supervisor Vianey Lopez - Board of Supervisors (District 5)
- Councilmember Susan Santangelo - City of Camarillo Representative
- Supervisor Jeff Gorell - Alternate Board of Supervisors (District 2)
- Mayor Kevin Kildee - Alternate City of Camarillo Representative
- William Thomas - Alternate Public Member
Oxnard Airport Authority
The Airport Authority considers and recommends to the Oxnard City Council and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors appropriate standards for operations at the Oxnard Airport and development around the Oxnard Airport, so that operations and development are compatible with each other.
Oxnard Airport Authority Members
- Mayor Pro Tem Gabe Teran, Chair - City of Oxnard Representative
- Barbara Filkins, Vice Chair - Public Member
- Supervisor Vianey Lopez - Board of Supervisors (District 5)
- Supervisor Kelly Long - Board of Supervisors (District 3)
- Councilmember Bert Perello - City of Oxnard Representative
- Supervisor Jeff Gorell- Alternate Board of Supervisors (District 2)
- Gabriela Rodriguez - Alternate City of Oxnard Representative
- Michael Alfred - Alternate Public Member