Notice of Increased Helicopter Activity

The Ventura County Department of Airports is sending this notice to inform our neighbors of increased helicopter activity. Some Ventura County residents may have noticed an increase in aircraft activity […]
Wings Over Camarillo Slated for August 17th, 18th

The Ventura County Department of Airports is proud to again partner with the Camarillo Wings Association for the 2024 Wings Over Camarillo Air Show. This year’s event, which is slated […]
Increase in Helicopter Activity and Wildfire Preparation

We understand that the community has noticed a recent increase in helicopter activity, particularly in the Camarillo area. This activity has primarily included the Coulson CH47 Chinook, a specialized fire […]
Update on Stockpile Soil at Oxnard Airport

The Ventura County Department of Airports would like to continue our efforts to provide regular updates to the community regarding the soil piles on Oxnard Airport property east of Ventura […]
Final Camarillo Airport – Airport Layout Plan Document Now Available

The Ventura County Department of Airports is pleased to announce that the final Camarillo Airport – Airport Layout Plan (ALP) document has been submitted to the FAA and is available […]
Veteran, Doctor, Pilot: Honoring Dr. Eugene Fussell

There wasn’t a lot that the small country town in Southeast Georgia offered the Fussell’s six children. It was the 1940s and 50s and Jim Crow laws enforced racial segregation. […]
Commemorative Air Force Museum Preserves History of Camarillo’s Former Air Force Base

In 1942, the United States Army Air Corps took a piece of the undeveloped farmland at the eastern end of the Oxnard plain and established what became known as Oxnard […]
Community Update Regarding Taxiway A Reconstruction Project

We recently received a question from one of our community members regarding piles of milled asphalt on Oxnard Airport property that are part of the current Taxiway A Reconstruction project. […]
SoCal Gas Survey Work Being Conducted April 22 – April 27

SoCal Gas has contracted English Air Service to complete survey work on area gas lines beginning on Monday, April 22nd. The survey work is expected to end no later than […]
Increased Helicopter Activity Expected in Camarillo

So Cal Gas has contracted English Air Service to complete survey work on area gas lines this week. The survey work is expected to last through March 30th and will […]