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Airport Layout Plan Update - Camarillo Airport - Final Report

The County of Ventura Department of Airports is pleased to announce that the Final Airport Layout Plan Update and Narrative Report has been submitted to FAA for approval.

You may download the ALP Update and Narrative Report using the links below. This consolidated Final Report includes all public input received during the course of the project and helpful resources in appendices. A separate link is provided to download the identical report in the Spanish language.

The County of Ventura Department of Airports appreciates the time and efforts of each of our stakeholders and neighboring communities who contributed their expertise to this plan and shared their experiences. 

We encourage those interested in the ongoing conversation on noise mitigation to visit our Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study websites.

Airport Layout Plan and Narrative Report (August 2024)

Airport Layout Plan and Narrative Report – Spanish (August 2024)

Click here to learn more about the Camarillo Airport Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study

Click here to learn more about the Oxnard Airport Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study