Document Library
The Department of Airports Document Library contains Master Plans, Land Use Plans, Airport Ordinance, Minimum Standards for Aeronautical Development, Economic Benefit Reports, Rent & Fee schedule, and standard lease agreement forms. Please contact us if you are unable to find a particular resource. You can also view bylaws and archives of our Advisory Boards through the link in blue header bar above.
Master Plans and Guiding Documents
- Camarillo Airport Master Plan
- Oxnard Airport Master Plan
- Airport Ordinance
- Minimum Standards
- Camarillo Airport Joint Powers Agreement (1976 JPA)
- Oxnard Airport Joint Powers Agreement
- Camarillo Airport Master Plan (1996)
- Camarillo Airport Master Plan (2010)
- Camarillo Airport Master Plan Enviromental Assessment/Enviromental Impact Report (1999)
- Camarillo Airport Master Plan Enviromental Impact Report Addendum (2003)
- Mitigated Negative Declaration for Camarillo Airport Taxiway Construction (2009)
Economic Benefit Reports
Budget, Rent & Fee Documents
Current Lease Agreement Documents
- Current Privately Owned Hangar Lease Agreement
- Current County Owned Hangar Lease Agreement
- Tie-Down Rental Agreement
- Private Hangar Sublease Agreement
Airport Compatibility Studies
Note: This document was not approved by FAA and not adopted by the County of Ventura Board of Supervisors. See cover letter for additional details.